Brand positioning agency in Lagos

Brand positioning agency in Nigeria (AdHang) will help your company to position its brand in the minds of the target market in Nigeria. The goal of every brand is to be top of mind in their consumers’ heads – whenever buyers or users think of your industry; your brand will be the first name that pops in their heads to patronize in Nigeria.


Perhaps your company has done all the branding creative works and has all the brand elements in place such as logo, letterhead, web address; packages, and have products and can render exceptional services.  While AdHang can help you in all the branding elements above, the agency will help your company in the brand positioning in Nigeria and massively market it to foster brand personality, brand differentiation, and minimize the brand gap between your offering and its market in Nigeria.

Why the Brand positioning service by AdHang

Brand positioning has to do with installing in the target markets’ minds what you want them to believe about your product, service, or entity.  After all the investment in the branding elements (logo, letterhead, business cards, graphic design, etc.), without strategic positioning, advertising and awareness, all the branding elements will be useless. The consumers won’t know they are there, let alone understand what they stand for. Therefore, hire AdHang, a top digital PR and branding agency in Nigeria to help you position your brand in Nigeria, and reach millions of Nigerians and make them think of your products/services whenever they are in the market for what your company offers.

Some of the AdHang’s brand positioning

Listed below are some brand positioning AdHang can assist your entity to foster in the minds of consumers and short explanations:

Quality: brand positioning by quality is common in the marketplace; here AdHang can position your brand as the leader in the quality of products making in the industry.

Professionalism: brand position by professionalism has to do with communicating the process, way and manner you render the services that differentiate you from competitors. AdHang can position your brand as the company of great repute, efficient in service delivery, and credible, etc.

Place: brand positioning by place has to do with positioning your brand based on the region/country of the origin. Consumers can trust and buy a product because of where it is manufactured. AdHang can position your brand based on its origin.

Cost: brand positioning by price is common in virtually all industries; here AdHang can position your brand as a very affordable brand than competitors in the Nigerian market.

People:  brand positioning by people resonates with a lot of consumers. Customers can buy a product or subscribe to a service because of the names behind it. AdHang can position your brand based on the people behind the brand.

Infrastructure: brand positioning by infrastructure is one of brands positioning that suggests the capability to satisfy customers. For example, credit card’s companies advertise that their cards are accepted all over the world, etc.  AdHang through its brand positioning can demonstrate the capability of your entity to satisfy the needs than competing brands in Nigeria.

What would you do now to start the brand positioning?

Whatever you want the target audience to think and believe about your brand, let AdHang know about it. Then the agency will plan, strategize, and position the brand in the minds of millions of Nigerians across all the states in Nigeria. AdHang will inform, persuade, remind, reinforce, and accelerate the brand recognition all over Nigeria.

What are the brand positioning digital marketing components?

AdHang uses 6 components of digital marketing, which are internet display advertising, content marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, mobile marketing and influencers marketing. All depends on the company’s brand positioning budget. See AdHang’s online advertising rates in Nigeria here, choose a plan to get the agency started.


For any question, use the form below to contact AdHang team.

Brand promotion consultant in Nigeria