Advanced Digital Marketing in NigeriaI strongly believe the time has come for Nigerian businesses, event organizers, and institutions to go advanced in their digital marketing campaigns. Marketing has been existing before the advent of the internet and the concept of marketing hasn’t changed, marketing is all about satisfying consumers profitably. In Nigeria, it is high time digital marketing/advertising moves… Read More
14 Objectives Digital Advertising Agency Can Achieve NigeriaChances you have been seen digital advertising enterprise and think what is it all about or have heard about digital advertising agency but wonder what would agency help you do? Or have asked questions to know significance of internet advert agency and whether you need an online digital advertising agency? It’s consequential to mention here… Read More
Functions of Digital Marketing Agency Digital marketing agencies are created to help companies and businesses such as profit-oriented enterprises; organizations such as NGOs and institutions such as schools, churches, and governments at all levels to achieve their online marketing goals. There are many functions of a digital marketing agency; this article looks into some of the main functions of an… Read More
4 Classifications of Internet digital Advertising ObjectiveDigital advertising can be generally classified into four; this article looks into the classification of internet digital advertising, in addition, mentioned popular tools commonly used to harness each of them. 1. To inform This digital advertising classification is about creating awareness, generating publicity, educating the target audience, etc. This is commonly used when target audiences… Read More
Social Media Marketing: A reviewSocial media marketing: A review Social media today has a huge influence on our lives. Whether it is an adult or a child, each of us spends half of our day on social media. Scrolling down and stalking, these activities have become a permanent part of our lives. This evolution of social media has helped… Read More
When to Run Online Digital Marketing Campaign Nigeria Online digital marketing has come to stay in Nigeria and meant to help organizations and businesses to reach their online communications goals, and in case of businesses achieve internet marketing aims. Problem or questions in the lips of many organizations are: when is it the right time to run online digital marketing? Further… Read More
Digital Marketing Cost in NigeriaCost of digital marketing in Nigeria is determined by many factors, such as platforms to be used, duration of the marketing campaigns, tools, digital marketing elements (online display ads, search engine marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, influencers, and mobile marketing), and professionals’ fees to carry out the marketing, etc. I will try on this… Read More
How to Start a Digital Campaign in NigeriaHow to start a digital campaign in Nigeria is a question many businesses, organizations and agencies are asking. If you’re in need how to start running a campaign in Nigeria, this piece of article is meant to help you start a well planned and an effective digital campaign in Nigeria. Whether for company who wants… Read More
5 Reasons to Use Online Video Marketing, Internet Videos Advertising In June 2015, comScore reported on its Video Metrix that about 33 billion videos were watched on the Internet. Furthermore, 11 billion videos that were related to advertising only were also watched in the same month. This number has continued to increase drastically since then. For instance, comparing this figure to the number… Read More
Online Banner Advertising Reviewed, Internet Banners What is Banner Advertising? We are used to the term banners on offline concept to refer to advertisement billboards that are placed to gain attention of the people. In the same way, the promotion method by which graphical representations are placed on websites on the top, bottom or side locations, are known as internet… Read More