What is Article Marketing?Making use of articles to sell products working as a mode of advertisement have been in use since the time the mass print media gained popularity. Newspapers have been the main mode of traditional print marketing with businesses submitting articles for the business page with reference to the name of the organization. This mode of creating customers are still being used to date. There is a mutual benefit system operational here with the print media getting content for publishing and the business getting its share of exposure.In the internet article marketing scenario as a digital marketing tool, it works almost the same way as traditional print media marketing. Articles written relating to the business or even about the business itself is published on article directories, websites, internet forums and even newsletter publishers. The aim here is mostly to get the viewers to click into the advertiser website and purchase the product or service. Even though it is an old marketing strategy it works just fine to create website sales at a comparatively reasonable cost.Article Directories and its WorkingThere are several article directories where the businesses can submit their works and the choice of good article directories can even increase the pagerank of the website linked from the article. By choosing a good article directory with enough visitors and ranking can ensure that the article and its contents are indexed by search engines and displayed in top results. This can bring in good quality traffic to the business website. The article directories allow the writers to submit content free of cost and the directories benefit with the wholesome amount of content getting updated to their system. A website that is frequently updated gains top position on search engine results and the article directories also gain income from the ad links posted on their site. With current trends in article marketing, fluff articles are overseen by the viewers and only quality informative articles can prove the purpose of creating traffic and sales.Article Marketing and Google UpdateBefore the recent Google algorithm update, a good article directory submission could work like a profitable backlink. But the recent changes have negated the effect of an article directory submission working like a backlink.Businesses even used to submit the same article to several article directories on a stretch and there were even applications linked to several directories which could make this work easier. But Google keeps tracking such easy methods and keep the competition hiking. Not just Google, but even other top search engines delete duplicate content results from its search results page. This has been solved by article spinning where an article is fed into a software which delivers several variations of the same article which are different from each other.Article Marketing Increase Search Engine RankingWith proper article marketing methods being followed, the businesses can ensure that they go up in the search engine ranking. The recent Google Panda update has made it more strict to gain with such SEO methods. The aim is to uproot all black hat SEO techniques. With the recent update, there have been many top ranked websites that have been hit hard due to its policy of duplicate content submission on article directories. The benefits that a good quality article can do for your website are Articles are written about the best and targeted keywords. This highlight without keyword stuffing can gain target keyword visibility in search results. With long phrases used for keyword targeting, article marketing can send up the website in case of long tail keyword searches. An overall reputation can be created with an encapturing content article and viewers will come back for details. Articles on directories and other websites with good ranking can be a source of incoming links. Unique and informative articles on the website can increase the usefulness of the website and spike recognition.Creating Articles for Your Own WebsiteBuilding up the business website with quality content plays a crucial role in the recognition of the website. It can be written in a different section like a blog and then excerpts from the articles can be provided at prominent and related locations on the main page that link to these articles. Articles related to products can be linked in from product pages or product browse list so that viewers who are interested in a certain product or service can get more information about it from the website itself.Finding Ideas for ArticlesWhen you have a business to promote, the main issue is the finding of proper and exact keywords to promote. These can be obtained by keyword research tools. The product or service delivered by the company can be used as the starting point for coming up with top rated keywords for the same using a good keyword research tool. There will a good number of keyword phrases displayed and the choice of an informative article based on the topic has to be done by the writer so that it proves useful for the viewer. Searching for article ideas on the web can help to come up with more topics to write about.Hiring Article WritersNot everyone is able to write unique quality content. So people worry when they are not able to write content for their website. Asking customers to submit quality reviews in exchange for some offers or discounts can be a good method to bring in unique content. But this is not always possible as people are not much into writing contents.Hiring a writer can be a good move to get good quality articles. Such article writers can be found vastly and the trick is to choose a good writer who can develop plagiarism free articles. If the writer wants his name to be published with the article, you can consider doing that. But in case you want your article authority, then you will have to hire ghost writers. When compared to high end article writers, finding and getting a freelance ghost writer to spin your content is rather feasible for businesses.ConclusionShort and precise informative articles with attractive titles can be posted in article directories and on the website itself to gain search engine ranking and increase traffic. Links can be used to send the interested readers to your website product or service page. And the final factor lies in luck where a certain article can bring in more traffic than the other.