Have you ever wondered why Boko Haram can enlist members so easily in the North?Have you ever wondered why Nnamdi Kanu is more relevant to young adults than the entire Southeast politician put together and their billions?Why do an average Nigerian wants to travel abroad to be a slave in another man’s land than stay in Nigeria?Why would someone wake up and say that he doesn’t want to be part of his country anymore?Didn’t you notice in the last decade, maintaining peace and security has become further complicated by an increase in the violence perpetrated by an increasingly assertive and brutal range of hybrid actors, such as illegal armed groups, criminal organizations, and transnational networks of illicit trafficking?All these are easily made possible through advanced digital science and strategic internet enlightenment campaigns, coupled with fact that the advent of the internet and smartphones have reduced information on one on one basis. According to NCC, “there are an active 122 million Nigerians online”. Therefore, any group, person, country, or entity can use social marketing (different from social media marketing) to alter millions of people’s behavior in their favor.We at AdHang, a Nigerian-based internet public enlightenment agency with 15 years of experience, are not unaware of these changes in the global media landscape, hence the agency has continued to chart a new course forward in information dissemination across Nigeria and beyond.Therefore, AdHang when hired, the agency uses advanced digital science, strategies, and thousands of websites to create awareness, public enlightenment/sensitization, remind and engage 122 million Nigerians.AdHang’s internet public enlightenment services can help a state, ministry, or organization that needs to execute any of the following social and behavior change campaign in Nigeria:Sensitization on Covid-19, HIV, etc., and/or campaign on the importance of good hygiene and healthy livingCampaign seeking to improve voluntary defections of Non-state armed groups and foster the state conditions in the communities for successful reintegrationFamily planning campaign to educate and encourage families to embrace good family planning Campaign on unity and corporate existence in the stateCampaign on transnational networks of illicit trafficking to discourage human traffickingetcTo hire AdHang, click here for the cost.