Search Engine Optimization FAQ, Things to know about SEO

Search Engine improvement, (SEO), is an advertising discipline focused on developing permeability in natural (non-paid) net index results. Website optimization envelops both the specialized and inventive components required to drive traffics, improve rankings and increase mindfulness in web crawlers. There are numerous aspects of SEO, from the phrasing of your content to how different websites connect to you on the web. Essentially, SEO is just an issue of ensuring your site is organized such that web crawlers get it. 

However, web optimization isn’t just about structure web crawler well-disposed sites. It’s tied in with up your web site for people likewise. SEO experts in Nigeria understand this and help you get the optimum volume of traffic.

We understand that there is always some ambiguity in such matters, hence have diligently compiled a list of basic questions regarding SEO that will surely give you a clearer idea of the whole affair.


Do I need SEO?

In short, “YES!”

You may think that quality content is enough to get you where you want to be. But the sad reality is that you need to conform to the norms of the digital age and start using SEO stat.

What does SEO do?

Naturally, two things, SEO establishes Authority and Relevance.

What does Authority entail?

Well, it builds a reputable image in context to search engines, like Google, Bing, etc. it does so by measuring how vast the web site audience is.

What does Relevance entail?

Relevance helps Google comprehend what your site is about so it can send the correct individuals to your site.

Now the real question is ‘How does one establish Authority?’

The ideal approach to improve your site’s Authority is to get other Authoritative sites in your industry to Connect to your site.

You might wonder, ‘How?’.

Well, Backlinks.

Backlinks are ‘connects’ to a website page. At the point, once an internet site page connects to another page, it’s known as a backlink. Before, backlinks were the costly activity for the positioning of an internet page. A site with loads of backlinks would appear in general position higher on all significant web crawlers, including Google.

Google takes a look at alternate sites that interface back to you like the most grounded flag that your site is reliable, number of backlinks you have and how safe these sites are. 

Remember the Golden rule. ‘Quality over Quantity”. Unique content and reputable backlinks, that’s how the SEO experts in Lagos maintain this quantity to quality ratio.

But what about Paid Ads?

Well, you might think that is enough but don’t be fooled, use all available options, be smart and achieve excellence.

And what about the little issue regarding Relevancy?

Start by identifying phrases and keywords that relate to the objective of your website. Make it easy for search engines to under tint what you are marketing, or what it is that your site is about. 

For optimal results use SEO keyword websites to generate relevant keywords.

But, SEO Cost …?

Well yes, SEO experts hiring are always a good investment. You may be able to learn SEO yourself, but the real question is, do you have the time? Also, how much is doubled traffic worth to you?

Invest in a seasoned SEO expert, be smart about your expenditure, sure, but spend where necessary.

Trust us, and the results will be worth it!

Nigeria SEO Tips