How Digital Marketing WorksIn how digital marketing works we will briefly look at things that digital marketing entails. Digital marketing in this context refers to internet digital marketing, in other words, we are referring to online marketing. What is digital marketing? According to Wikipedia: “Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on… Read More
How Internet Political Advertising Agency Can Help Political campaigns have been taken to the internet by smart politicians and political parties by hiring internet political campaign agency, while some politicians/parties are still randomly campaigning by doing internet campaigns themselves or in most cases use amateur campaign managers. There are many ways hiring internet political advertising agency can help you carry out… Read More
How Nigerian Political Party Can Promote and Campaign OnlineIt could be said that the National cake has become a birthday cake shared only by family and friends. Nigeria is proudly blessed, oil wells bountiful and agriculture; yet it is sad that there are no oil wells in our government houses- our leaders are not among our natural resources- they are not helping the… Read More
How Nigeria’s Public Figures Can Benefit from Adhang.comSo, it’s coming up to an important time of the year in Nigeria as many people start to look into the political landscape of the country, and a call for information and advice has never been clearer. However, when it comes to how Nigerian public figures can advertise online, the solutions for offering the people… Read More